Wednesday, October 20, 2010

I miss you badly....

I wish my eyes could speak
what my heart feels for you...
cause my lips can lie on what is true...

If you don't understand my silence
you'll not understand my words...

It hurts to breathe because
every breath I take proves that I can't live without you...
Nobody can ever replace you in my heart...
and nobody will...

You came in my life
only to teach me how to live alone....
I'm not alone
my tears are always with me...
U can see my tears
but you can never feel my pain inside...

I really love you
but you love someone else...
When I see you
I can't close my eyes
I just want to say how much you care about me
But you love someone else...
I just want to hear "I love you"
out of your mouth
But I hear it in my mind...
It's just like a sound
But it's just a dream...
Because you love someone else...

You are my everything..
but I'm nothing to you...
may be one day..
you'll realize how much I love you..
I'm waiting for someone who will never come....

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